The Ekol Viper is a 9mm P.A.K revolver with a 6 round rotary drum magazine. It features a Single/Double Action trigger in a small size revolver that is easy enough to conceal carry without any issues. A striking retro resemblance to a .38 special, with an all metal design. This gun unlike other blank pistols has an explosive sound that is sure to leave your ears ringing at that with no recoil. The grips on this firearm has a diamond layed rubber stock. This model unlike the viper 2.5″ has a very large 6″ barrel.
- Calibre- 9mm P.A.K
- Capacity- 6
- Size- Large Revolver
- Colour- Matte Chrome
- Venting- Front
- Pepper Firing- Yes
- Safety- None
- Trigger Action- Single/Double Action
- Firing Rate- Semi-Automatic